Sunday, June 17, 2007

Day 22, Homeward bound

Yesterday my fellow pilot Stein arrived in Copenhagen. Today we drove from Copenhagen to Stauning, where we fueled the airplane and did some preliminary flight planning. Plan is to depart for Iceland tomorrow morning. The large windmill manufacturer Vestas has a manufacturing plant close to the airport, in the picture Stein is standing next to a 180 foot long windmil propeller blade.


Anonymous said...

Ras & Stein,

Have a safe and enjoyable flight back.

Your former co-pilot, in Oslo

Anonymous said...

Hi Rasmus and Stein.
Good to hear that you are airborne.
Good too Rasmus to see you here in Copenhagen, and nice to meet your friends Mariza and Stein.
We wish you a safe flight back.
Gert and your sister Ellen.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rasmus & Mariza, it was very nice to see you in Copenhagen, Denmark and hear all about your incredible journey over dinner. Anne-Marie and I wish you equally safe and pleasent journey back and we will be following it over the web just as keenly.